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Fedora 32 released this week! How do I get Docker working again?
·728 words·4 mins
Are you communicating effectively?
·570 words·3 mins
NYC Python went virtual, and here's how we did it.
·537 words·3 mins


Long overdue post
·268 words·2 mins
Catching uncaught exceptions in Python
·303 words·2 mins
Moving to Hugo on Netlify
·70 words·1 min


What if I rolled my own phone service?
·570 words·3 mins
How we got to “But it works on my machine!” and how we could have avoided it.
·523 words·3 mins


Implementing my own version of std::array
·458 words·3 mins
My short look at Rust.
·207 words·1 min